Gall Bladder Meridian Points

GB 1 .5 cun lateral to the outer canthus, in the depression on the lateral side of the orbit.
GB 2 Anterior to the intertragic notch, at the posterior border of the condyloid process of the mandible. The point is located with the mouth open.
GB 3 In the front of the ear, on the upper border of the zygomatic arch, in the depression directly above ST 7.
GB 4 Within the hairline of the temporal region, at the junction of the upper 1/4 and lower 3/4 of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
GB 5 Within the hairline of the temporal region, at the midpoint of the line joining ST 8 and GB 7.
GB 6 Within the hairline, at the junction of the lower 1/4 and the upper 3/4 of the distance between ST 8 and GB 7.
GB 7 Directly above the posterior border of the auricle, 2 cun within the hairline, about .5 cun posterior to GB 8.
GB 8 Superior to the apex of the auricle, 1.5 cun within the hairline.
GB 9 Directly above the posterior border of the auricle, 2 cun within the hairline, about .5 cun posterior to GB 8.
GB 10 Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, midway of the curved line drawn from GB 9 to GB 11.
GB 11 Posterior and superior to the mastoid process, on the line drawn connecting GB 10 and GB 12.
GB 12 In the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process.
GB 13 .5 cun within the hairline of the forehead, 3 cun lateral to GV 24.
GB 14 On the forehead, 1 cun directly above the midpoint of the eyebrow.
GB 15 Directly above GB 14, .5 cun within the hairline, midway between GV 24 and ST 8.
GB 16 1.5 cun posterior to GB 15, on the line connecting GB 15 and GB 20.
GB 17 1.5 cun posterior to GB 16, on the line connecting GB 15 and GB 20.
GB 18 1.5 cun posterior to GB 17, on the line connecting GB 15 and GB 20.
GB 19 Directly above GB 20, at the level with GB 17, on the lateral side of the external occipital protuberance.
GB 20 In the depression between the upper portion of the SCM and muscle trapezius, on the same level with GB 16.
GB 21 Midway between GV 14 and the acromion, at the highest point of the shoulder.
GB 22 On the mid axillary line when the arm is raised, 3 cun below the axilla.
GB 23 1 cun anterior to GB 22, approximately at the level with the nipple.
GB 24 One rib below LV 14, directly below the nipple, in the 7th intercostal space.
GB 25 On the lateral side of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end of the 12th rib.
GB 26 Directly below the free end of the 11th rib, where the LV 13 is located, at the level of the umbilicus.
GB 27 On the lateral side of the abdomen, anterior to the superior iliac spine, 3 cun below the umbilicus.
GB 28 Anterior and inferior to the ASIS, .5 cun anterior and inferior to GB 27.
GB 29 IN the depression of the midpoint between the ASIS and the great trochanter.
GB 30 At the junction of the lateral 1/3 and medial 2/3 of the distance between the greater trochanter and the hiatus of the sacrum (GV 2). When locating this point, put patient in lateral recumbent position with thigh flexed.
GB 31 On the midline of the lateral aspect of the thigh, 7 cun above the transverse political crease. When the patient is standing erect with hands at sides, the point is where the tip of the middle finger touches.
GB 32 On the lateral aspect of the thigh, 5 cun above the transverse popliteal crease, between vastus lateralis and biceps femoris.
GB 33 3 cun above GB 34, lateral to the knee joint, between the tendon of biceps femoris and the femur.
GB 34 In the depression anterior and in inferior to the head of the fibula.
GB 35 7 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the posterior border of the fibula.
GB 36 7 cun above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
GB 37 5 cun directly above the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula.
GB 38 4 cun above and slightly anterior to the tip of the lateral malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula, between m. extensor digitorum longus and m. peroneus brevis.
GB 39 3 cun above the lateral malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of the fibula and the tendons of m. peroneus longus and brevis.
GB 40 Anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. extensor digitorum longus.
GB 41 In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the lateral side of the tendon of m. extensor digiti minimi of the foot.
GB 42 Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, on the medial side of the tendon of m. extensor digiti minimi of the foot.
GB 43 On the dorsum of the foot, between the 4th and 5th toes, proximal to the margin of the web.
GB 44 On the lateral side of the 4th toe, about .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail.


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